Area 1

Anomalie in Fläche 1 im Meßbild
Geomagnetical image of the anomaly in area 1

Area 1 was established to inspect an anomaly of 2,5 m in diameter which was seen in the geomagnetical images (see image to the right). A grey colouration appeared with several pieces of vitrified clay, followed by an oven. Walls and bottom were covered by a vitrified layer.

In the filling bigger pieces of burnt clay that were covered with traces of wooden posts were recognised. These can be interpreted as wattle-and-daub. They may be connected with a house that must have existed in the vicinity. After the end of the oven’s usage it was filled with waste material, especially with parts of the house wall. A posthole that was found 3 m east of the oven confirms this thesis.

Foto des Befundes mit Verziegelung
Foto of the vitrified find
Foto von der Grube mit Verziegelung
Foto of the pit with burnt clay

At the bottom of the oven pottery sherds were found, which by C14-analysis can be dated into the pre-roman iron age.

Pottery sherds out of the oven
Pottery sherds out of the oven

Yet, the oven’s function is still unclear. One assumption, due to some remains of burnt grains, is its use as a fire pit to dry fruit or grain. The oven also could have served as a kiln or furnace to produce ceramics. A use as an ustrina for cremating the deceased can be excluded due to the total lack of burnt bones.

At least 7 similar anomalies are recognised in the geomagnetical images and were examined through drillings, therefore are being interpreted as ovens for the time being.
