Wiskiauten / Mohovoe

This webpage is dedicated to the archaeological Viking Age site of Wiskiauten (todays Mohovoe) in the Kaliningrad region (former Eastprussia).

The site is known since 1865 and consists of a graveyard with over 500 burial mounds dating to the 9th to 11th centuries A.D., most likely built by Scandinavian merchants and warriors, as well as a settlement. Since 2005 the site is being investigated by a project of the Roman-Germanic Comission (Römisch-germanische Kommission Frankfurt a. M. des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts), by the Centre for Baltic and Skandinavian Archaeology (Stiftung Schleswig-Holsteinische Landesmuseen Schloß Gottorf) and by the Kaliningrad Museum of Arts and History (Калининградский историко-художественный музей). The baltic expedition of the Archeological Institute of the Russian Academy of Scienes Moscow (Балтийской археологической экспедиции Института Археологии Российской Академии Наук) participates as an additional partner.

The whole project is sponsored by the European Social Fond (ESF).

Geophysical examinations are carried out by the Institute of Geosciences of the Christian-Albrechts-University of Kiel (CAU Kiel).

The following pages give a short introduction to the site of Wiskiauten and some results of the recent research will be presented.

For any kind of help thanks to:

Institut für Ur- und Frühgeschichte Kiel (Prof. Dr. J. Müller, Dr. W. Dörfler, Dr. H. Kroll). - Leibniz Labor für Altersbestimmung und Isotopenforschung der CAU Kiel (Prof. Dr. P. M. Grootes; Dr. M. Hüls; A. Hamann-Wilke). – Institut für Haustierkunde der CAU Kiel (Prof. Dr. D. Heinrich und R. Luecht). – Professor Dr. Werner Petersen-Stiftung (Dr. K. Boysen). – Verein zur Förderung des Archäologischen Landesmuseums e.V. (Dr. U. Drews). – Ochsenweg gGmbH (R. Roddewig und H. Hartung). – Archäologisches Landesamt Schleswig-Holstein (Prof. Dr. C. von Carnap-Bornheim, W. Bauch, J. Fischer, T. Prodtzig). – kubit GmbH (D. Barchfeld). – Museum für Geschichte und Kunst Kaliningrad (K. Skvorzov und A. Valujev).
